Geography Teacher

We provide quality, ready-made lessons for busy geography and social studies teachers and homeschoolers.

No time to plan creative, engaging lessons?

Geography and Social Studies teachers today are under-resourced and exhausted from fighting competing demands in the classroom. To foster an engaging and creative learning environment, it’s vital to produce original, student-centred lessons to capture the full attention of learners.

We’re a team of educational specialists who care about your students and recognize that teachers today lack the time and resources to develop truly thought-provoking lessons. That’s why teachers can access Geography Teacher ready-made lessons individually or in bundles at discounted prices.

Download engaging lessons that are ready-to-go for Google Classroom with starter activities, question prompts, interactive activities, teaching tips, discussion questions, plenary activities and much more! Teachers can access our vast range of lessons here.

View our range of ready-made lessons now!

What is Geography?

Geography is the study of the Earth and its natural phenomena. Geography can be divided into physical geography and human geography, with a focus on either people or environment.

The word "geography" comes from the Greek words "geo" (Earth) and "graphia" (writing).

Physical geography is an area of study that deals with natural phenomena, such as landforms, climate, soil, vegetation, animal life and human activities.

Human geography is an area of study that deals with the social aspects of humans in relation to their environment.

What is Social Studies?

Social Studies is a broad and diverse field of study. It explores the social, cultural, and economic aspects of human society.

The term Social Studies is often used interchangeably with the term "History," but there are some differences between the two.

Social Studies is a broader term that includes topics like culture, economics, geography, and sociology.

History is more specifically about how events unfold in time.

Social studies can be traced back to Ancient Greece where they were called "sociology" which means "the study of society."

You can depend on our extensive and ever growing range of lessons

Teachers and homeschoolers have limited time and resources to put together quality lessons. Making a lesson from scratch is time consuming, difficult, and doesn't always produce the best results.

With our premium lessons, your students will learn geography and social studies in an interactive way. We thoughtfully prepare every lesson by making sure it's high-quality and designed for the student's age range. Plus, with lesson plans for every geography and social studies high school topic, you'll find something for every class in our store.

Become an instant geography expert with our ready-made lessons! Teach your students the geographical concepts they need to know with our detailed lesson plans. You'll have time to teach, grade, and plan the next academic period.

Critical thinking skills are essential for the 21st century workplace

We help you teach the next generation to think for themselves and create.

Our lessons are designed to engage students in the 21st century and inspire them to ask questions, explore problems, and think critically about the world around them

With our geography lessons, you can empower your students to take control of their education, their future and their lives.

Ready to increase engagement in your geography curriculum? Visit our store today!

Concise content for peer learning

The content we produce is a tool for teachers to use in order to create student-centred learning activities. The content is designed to give students the opportunity to teach each other, learn from each other, and develop critical thinking skills that they need to be successful in their future careers.

Differentiated classroom activities

Educators increasingly need to provide a personalized learning experience for each student. In order to do so, teachers must be able to assess the needs of each individual student and provide them with the appropriate content. Our content enables students to choose from differentiated application of learning activities so they able to learn at their own pace, level of challenge and explore their particular interests.

Plenary activities

Plenary activities are a great way to get students involved in the classroom. They can be used to engage students in discussions, to facilitate critical thinking, and to promote student engagement and participation. This is because it allows for a variety of learning strategies that can be used in the classroom. It also provides opportunities for students to learn from each other's perspectives.

Assessment for learning (AFL)

Assessment for learning (AFL) is a way of assessing student’s understanding of the material that they have been taught. It is different from an assessment of learning because it assesses what students are able to do with the knowledge they have acquired. AFL has become increasingly popular because it helps teachers to identify the problems and misconceptions that students might have and then go back and teach them more effectively.

Our approach

We believe students should be self-starters.

Teachers are responsible for setting strong and consistent classroom rules and routines, nurturing strong independent study skills, and equipping all students with the skills required to learn independently.

Young, curious minds require the initial building blocks to enable them on a path of self discovery during their school years.

The lessons we produce are not intended to spoon-feed students.

Instead, they facilitate self-discovery, strong-independent thinking and the means to justify a position through critical evaluation to create new and original ways of approaching tasks and assignments.

Prepare your students for their lives ahead of them

  • Help your students acquire the skills they need to succeed.

  • Peer learning, problem solving and critical analysis are three skills that will help your students achieve success in their careers and beyond.

  • Our geography and social studies lessons enable young learners to think like teachers, think outside the box and critically analyse complex problems and issues—three skills that are essential for life in the modern age.

  • Give your students the tools to master life's most important skills with our geography and social studies lessons.

Our products are designed to encourage students to think critically and creatively. We believe that this is the key to success in the 21st century. Students who use these products have a better understanding of their knowledge, which helps them to think independently and creatively.

Our schemes of work encourage students to recall facts and basic concepts, explain these ideas and concepts, and use information in new situations, to answer questions and solve problems. Students develop lifelong study skills and learn to think independently in preparation for the 21st century workplace.

It is vitally important that students are empowered to take apart information to demonstrate relationships, causes and connections in various geographical disciplines. This ensures students are able to justify a position through evaluation and apply this in order to produce new and original work.

Why you should rely on Geography Teacher for your teaching needs

Creating quality teaching materials to supplement in-class teaching has never been easy. Teachers and homeschoolers need to spend hours sifting through textbooks, websites and other content sources, expending energy and time on coming up with lessons.

Homeschooling is rapidly increasing in popularity, yet most are under-served by proper lesson plans. Some have trouble finding reliable sources of information or have trouble staying on top of new discoveries in their fields. We provide quality, ready-made lessons for busy geography and social studies teachers and homeschoolers.

We are the fastest, easiest way for busy teachers to find quality lessons that help students learn about the world around them. With our extensive store, you'll find interesting and engaging lessons that will help students gain skills in geography, social studies, earth science, climate change, history and much more.

What are the most common types of Geography?

There are many different types of geography. The most common types of physical geography are the Earth's surface, water bodies, and the atmosphere. There are also two major types of cultural geography: world regions and cultures.

The most common type of physical geography is the Earth's surface which includes landforms like mountains, valleys, plains, and deserts. The second most common type is water bodies which includes oceans, seas and lakes. The third most common type is the atmosphere which includes air masses such as jet streams or trade winds.

The two major types of cultural geography are world regions and cultures. World regions include things like North America or South America while cultures include things like African-American culture or Native American culture.

With our lessons, your students will flourish!

For students, learning geography and social studies can be a struggle. They are often assigned to find the answers from textbooks and articles, which takes up loads of their time.

Now, with our lessons, you are equipped with limitless resources that provide quality content for your students. We created interactive activities and practice tests that take care of all the tedious research for you. Your students will be more engaged in their studies and learn better than ever before!

With our courses, your student's knowledge in these subjects will improve significantly and their grades will reflect this improvement! You can finally make learning fun again.

Why Geography matters

Geography is the study of the world's physical features and how they relate to each other. Geography includes physical, social, cultural, economic, political and historical aspects of a place.

Geography matters because it can tell you about where a country is located on the map and what natural resources are available to them. It can also tell you about the climate of a place or how people live in that area. Geography helps us understand how different parts of the world affect each other.

Geography for kids is important because it helps children understand their surroundings better and learn about their own country as well as others in the world. When children study geography they also learn about maps which are an important tool used in geography studies.

We've got you covered!

We've built a library of 570 ready-made lessons that are perfect for teachers and homeschoolers. We publish new lessons every week and can help you customize your own lessons.

Need geography and social studies lessons? We've got the things you need.

Join our growing community of geography and social studies teachers and homeschoolers who are benefitting from our extensive product range.

Visit our store today!

All Geography Teacher lessons include the following:

  • Lesson road-map: timing recommendations for teachers.

  • Starter activity: designed to engage students immediately thereby increasing focus and managing behaviour in the classroom.

  • Learning: student-centred, collaborative learning tasks aimed at encouraging self responsibility for learning, developing study skills and learning.

  • Application of Learning: a menu of classroom tasks, graded by challenge, based on the learning element of the class. Stretch & Challenge tasks are provided for gifted and talented students as well as a creative writing task with a language framework for students of all abilities.

  • Final Plenary: This links back to the lesson objectives and ensures that the teacher is better able to carry out assessment for learning (AFL) and identify general student progress.

  • Teacher Resources: classroom content, worksheets and students feedback resources are filed under this section.

  • Teacher Notes: Recommendations for teachers in the speaker notes sections of many Google Slides.

The 5 reasons why Geography is the most important school subject of the 21st-century

Geography is the most important school subject of the 21st century. It is not just about memorizing facts and figures, it’s about understanding how our world works and how we can change it for the better. Geography is an all-encompassing subject that covers everything from population dynamics to environmental change to economic development.

1. Understanding how the world works and how we use it for survival

Geography is the study of the world and its features. Geography includes the study of physical, social, economic, political, and cultural features. Geographers try to understand how people use the earth for survival.

  • Physical geography: The study of natural phenomena on Earth's surface such as mountains, volcanoes, rivers and landforms.

  • Human geography: The study of how humans interact with each other and their environment.

  • Economic geography: The study of how goods are produced and traded in a region or between regions.

  • Political geography: The study of government units such as states or provinces and their borders.

  • Cultural geography: The study of human culture in a particular area or region

2. Globalization and Understanding Its Importance in a Globalized World

Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. Globalization has been happening for centuries.

The understanding of globalization is important because it helps us to understand the impacts on our lives and society. Globalization has had a major impact on business as well as society in general.

3. Examining how culture influences our behavior in the 21st Century

Culture is a form of shared meaning that is created by a group of people. It is learned, transmitted and recreated through socialization. The values, beliefs, attitudes and norms that are shared by a group of people are considered to be their culture. Culture has an important impact on human behavior because it shapes our values and beliefs about what is right or wrong, good or bad. It also influences how we behave in different situations and what we expect from others in those situations.

4. How migration relates to global economic systems

Migration is a phenomenon that has been occurring for centuries. The reasons for migration are numerous and diverse. They range from economic and political to environmental and humanitarian.

In recent decades, the phenomenon of migration has become more prominent than ever before. This is due to the vast improvements in transportation and communication technologies, which have made it easier for people to move across borders.

One of the major factors that have contributed to this change is globalization, which has created an interconnected world where people can move freely from one country to another with ease.

5. Natural hazards and their effects on people and environment

Natural hazards are disasters caused by natural events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanoes and storms.

Natural hazards can have a huge impact on people and the environment. One example is the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815 which caused the year without a summer. Crops were destroyed and livestock died from lack of food. In addition to this, many people became sick from breathing in ash from the volcano.

Engaging, student-centred geography lessons at the touch of a button!

Homeschoolers and teachers of social studies and geography alike will love using our lessons!

We provide affordable, optimized lessons to help you teach with ease. We have topics like earthquakes and volcanoes, food and water security, and climate change.

Explore the many benefits of teaching with us. Buy our ready-made lessons today!

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